South Lakes Community Council Annual Dues


By joining you affirm you are a South Lakes Community area resident and eligible to vote in Alaska.

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By joining you affirm you are a South Lakes Community area resident and eligible to vote in Alaska.

By joining you affirm you are a South Lakes Community area resident and eligible to vote in Alaska.


(A) For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions should apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

(1) “Community councils” are nonprofit, voluntary, self-governing associations composed of residents located within geographical areas designated as community council districts by the assembly.

(2) “Residents” means a person who is qualified to vote or to register to vote under the laws of the state of Alaska and the borough ordinances.

(B) Recognition of community councils. Upon request of one or more voluntary associations and after public notice and hearing, the planning commission may recommend recognition of any one voluntary association as the community council for a

given district. Recognition shall be by assembly resolution. To qualify for and maintain recognition, an association shall establish that it:

(1) meets the definition of a “community council”;

(2) has a policy and practice of open membership which encourages participation of persons from all segments of the community;

(3) does not charge dues, or require other financial contribution as a condition of membership or participation, in excess of $10 per member per year. However, the organization may receive contributions of no more than $50 per member per year from members to meet the costs of its operations;

(4) is, in the opinion of the assembly, representative of the residents in the district;

(5) has held at least two meetings in the district which results in a determination to seek recognition as a community council. The meetings shall have been subsequent to public notice through newspaper publication, local radio, school distribution and other means reasonably adequate to inform most district residents of the meeting. The meetings may be held outside, but near the district if adequate public meeting space is not available within the district.

(6) [Repealed by Ord. 94-001AM, § 3 (part), 1994]

(C) Inactive status of community councils. The planning commission may recommend to the assembly that the previously recognized community council be declared inactive if the community council has failed to meet the following requirements:

(1) The community council has not held a minimum of two meetings during the previous calendar year.

(2) The community council has failed to inform the borough administration of current officers with appropriate addresses and telephone numbers.

(3) The community council has failed to comply with the requirements to maintain recognition as specified in MSB 2.76.030(B).

(D) Inactive status of a community council shall be done by assembly resolution. Municipal responsibilities to community councils as specified in MSB 2.76.060(A) shall not apply to community councils with an inactive status. Active status can be reinstated by assembly resolution upon request by representatives of the community council.

(E) Bylaws. The community council may adopt bylaws which shall meet this section’s requirements. The community council may incorporate as a state of Alaska nonprofit corporation, but no incorporated council shall be recognized by the assembly unless the articles of incorporation and any amendments to the articles of incorporation meet the requirements of this section and are on file with the clerk.

(Ord. 96-004, § 2, 1996; Ord. 94-001AM, § 3 (part), 1994; Ord. 93-073, § 2, 1993; Ord. 90-133, § 2, 1990; Ord. 85-48, § 2, 1985; Ord. 85-44, § 2, 1985; Ord. 81-97, § 2 (part), 1981)